I love knowing what was going on in the world when my ancestors were alive – it makes their story so much more interesting! I was poking around on billiongraves.com when I discovered something new (to me). There are a lot of ads and such on their website, so I don’t pay much attention to anything but the grave image and burial information, but if you scroll down a little, right in the midst of the ads lies this treasure in the right hand column…

A timeline! I love that it tells you how old your ancestor was at the time of these major events. You can click on “see more” and read more about that event AND if you click on the “see more” it gives you an event for every single year of your ancestor’s life. I am totally geeking out.
Here’s your step by step guide on how to find it. Go to billiongraves.com and type in your ancestor’s name.

Select your ancestor from the results.

Click on “Life Information”

And there it is peeking at you in the right hand column!

Go forth and find those timelines for your ancestors!